martes, 19 de febrero de 2019

Surgical versus non-surgical management of obstructive sleep-disordered breathing in children: meta-analysis

Surgical versus non-surgical management of obstructive sleep-disordered breathing in children: meta-analysis

A.A. Afifi, A. Askoura, M. Shehata, M.F. Allam and D.M. Marzouk
From the Family Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University

QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, Volume 111, Issue suppl 1, 1 December 2018, hcy200.050,
Published: 13 December 2018

Background: Obstructive sleep disordered breathing (OSDB) includes a wide spectrum of clinical entities with variable severity of recurrent partial or complete upper airway obstruction. OSDB is common in children, adenotonsillar hypertrophy account for most cases in children. Adenotonsillectomy is widely considered an effective treatment for obstructive sleep disordered breathing in children.
Objectives: To compare effectiveness of surgical versus nonsurgical treatment of Obstructive sleep-disordered breathing in children in randomized controlled trials through a meta-analysis study.
Search methods: The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, PubMed, EMBASE, Google Scholar, Web of Science, were searched for available trials till August 2017.
Selection criteria: Clinical trials concerned in treatment of Obstructive sleep-disordered breathing in children aged 2 to 16 years.
Outcome measured: Apnea/Hypopnea Index, behavioral outcomes, neurocognitive performance, executive functions, health care utilization, disease specific quality of life and adverse events of treatment.
Results: Seven trials met the inclusion criteria. As regard disease- specific quality of life Four studies evaluated this outcome there was significant clinical improvement in the surgical group (REM: SMD = -1.013, 95% CI = -1.584 to -0.441, P-value = 0.001), while Only one study measures health care utilization which states that Adenotonsillectomy significantly reduces health care utilization. As regard Apnea/Hypopnea Index, three studies present their data as continuous data evaluated the change in AHI among children with OSDB by pooling of these three studies there is no statistically significant difference between both management strategies surgical and non-surgical (REM: SMD = -0.248, 95% CI = -0.701 to 0.205, P-value = 0.283), Two other studies present their data as dichotomous data by pooling of these two studies there is no statistically significant difference between both management strategies (FEM: Odds ratio = 0.881, 95% CI = 0.304 to 2.557, P-value = 0.816). Regarding behavioral out comes two studies evaluated the change in behavior by pooling of these 2 studies there was no difference between both management strategies (REM: SMD = -0.514, 95% CI = -2.145 to 1.117, P-value = 0.537). Two studies evaluated the changes in executive functions by pooling these 2 studies there was no statistically significant difference between surgical and non-surgical management (REM: SMD = 0.151, 95% CI = -0.037 to 0.340, P-value = 0.116). Two studies evaluated adverse events that occurred among children by pooling these 2 studies there was no difference between both management strategies (FEM: Odds ratio = 0.834, 95% CI = 0.317 to 2.193, P-value = 0.713). Only one study measures neurocognitive outcome, no inference on neurocognitive outcome can be elicited.
Conclusion: the current meta-analysis reported significant clinical improvement in the surgical group as compared with the non-surgical group, in terms of disease specific quality of life, Health care utilization. However, there were no significant changes in other outcomes.

sábado, 2 de febrero de 2019

Delusional disorder and suicidal behavior: descriptive study of 26 cases/ Trastorno delirante y conducta suicida: estudio descriptivo de 26 casos.

Delusional disorder and suicidal behavior: descriptive study of 26 cases/ Trastorno delirante y conducta suicida: estudio descriptivo de 26 casos.

Francisco Mármol Bernal (1), Rogelio Luque Luque (2), Mohamed Farouk Allam (3,4), Rafael Fernández-Crehuet Navajas (3)

1. Delegación Territorial de Salud, Córdoba, España.
2. Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía. Universidad de Córdoba, Córdoba, España.
3. Área de Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Córdoba, Córdoba, España.
4. Department of Community, Environmental and Occupational Medicine, Faculty of 
Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.

Rev Chil Neuro-Psiquiat 2018; 56 (4): 228-240

Introducción / antecedentes. La conducta suicida en el trastorno delirante (TD) ha sido esca­samente estudiada.
Objetivo. Profundizar en el conocimiento de las características demográ­ficas, ambientales, psicosociales y clínicas del suicido en un gru­po de pacientes con TD con la finalidad de contribuir a generar y sugerir estrategias que contribuyan a realizar nuevos estudios de mayor nivel explicativo.
Método. Estudio epidemiológico descriptivo retrospectivo de Registro de Casos en el Dispensario de Psiquiatría e Higiene Mental de Córdoba sobre pacientes con TD según criterios DSM-IV-TR. Aquellos pacientes que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión definidos constituyeron nuestra muestra final de 261 casos, de ellos 26 casos presentaron evidencias de intento de suicidio. Las variables sobre las que se recogió información en base a protocolos, fueron agrupadas con el orden siguiente: I. Socio­demográficos y generales. II. Factores de riesgo del TD (fami­liares y personales). III. Cuadro Clínico y el Diagnóstico del TD (Presentación, Sintomatología, Funcionalidad y Discapacidad, utilización de los recursos sanitarios, tratamiento, problemas psicosociales, evolución y curso) y medios letales utilizados.
Resultados. La edad media de los pacientes fue de 47 años y el 60% fue­ron hombres. Los datos sociodemográficos muestran que los pacientes con intento de suicidio residían en núcleos rurales (46,2%), no tenían estudios en un 15,4%, un 57,7% no traba­jaba y un 26,9% recibía una pensión por enfermedad o jubi­lación laboral. El subtipo persecutorio con 8 casos, fue el más frecuente, seguido de los subtipos de grandiosidad (6 casos) y celotípico (6 casos), mixto (3 casos), erotomaníaco (2 casos) y somático (1 caso).
Discusión y conclusión. Son necesarios futuros estudios prospectivos para investigar los factores de protección, de riesgo y/o asociados al suicidio en el TD.

Palabras clave: Trastorno delirante, paranoia, conducta suici­da, series de casos.

Delusional disorder and suicidal behavior: descriptive study of 26 cases.
Introduction / background. Suicidal behavior in delusional disorder (DD) patients has been poorly studied.
Objective. Investigate the demographic, environmental, psychosocial and clinical characteristics of the suicidal behavior in a group of patients with DD.
Method. Retrospective descriptive study of DD cases registered at Psychiatry and Mental Hygiene Clinic of Cordoba according to DSM-IV criteria was conducted. We obtained a sample of 261 DD patients who met the inclusion criteria, of them 26 cases presented evidence of suicidal behavior. Data and variables co­llected were divided into 4 groups: I. Socio-demographic and general data. II. DD risk factors (personal and family). III. DD clinical picture and diagnosis (presentation, symptoms, disabi­lity, use of health care resources, treatment, and evolution) and lethal methods used.
Results. The mean age of the patients was 47 years old and 60% were males. Socio-demographic data show that 46.2% of patients with suicidal behavior lived in rural areas, only 15,4% were analphabet, 57,7% were unemployed, and 26.9% were recei­ving a pension because of illness or retirement. The persecu­tory subtype with 8 cases was the most frequent presentation, followed by grandiose (6 cases) and jealous (6 cases), mixed (3 cases), erotomanic (2 cases) and somatic (1 case) subtypes.
Discussion and conclusion. It is necessary to conduct future prospective studies to investi­gate the protective and risks factors associated with the suici­dal behavior in DD patients.

Key words: delusional disorder, paranoia, suicidal behavior, case series.

Rev Chil Neuro-Psiquiat 2018; 56 (4): 228-240